Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Thanksgiving was great, for a number of reasons, none of which are your business. But it was also a little sad.

This is where your business comes in.

Female Companion (FC) and I went out to dinner for the holiday. I have no family within half a continent, and she's from a different planet where they do things a little differently for the Grand GorgeFest. So we went out for dinner. I should also mention that we decided to get out of the City to one of the resort and recreation zones nearby for a long weekend. But that's not any of your business either.

Suffice to say, we went out for Thanksgiving Dinner.

We arrived at the designated time to the well-appointed and intimate dining area of our tastefully upscale lodge. We were pleasantly greeted by the concierge, who remarked that we both looked "very nice, all dressed up. No one else this evening has really bothered." Dressed up?? I didn't even have a tie on, but OK.

Surprised, Female Companion and I shared a look and followed the concierge to our table. A quick glance around the room confirmed what I had hoped would not be the case as I put my jacket on in the room some 20 minute earlier. Jeans, untucked shirts, sweatsuits for Chrissake!! Oh well...

So FC in her modest earth-tone sweater, black skirt and boots, and I in my jacket and open collared shirt take our seats and after a bit of small talk, begin to peruse the menu of the evening.

Soon thereafter, a sultry woman with brunette curls approaches and politely intrudes into our sphere, obviously our server for the evening. I smile up at her and greet her, wishing her a Happy Thanksgiving.

- Oh well, thank you. You're actually the first person to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving tonight, and you're my last table of the evening.


Now listen, I am no Cheery McFuzzypants. I tend to be sarcastic and cynical by nature. And I definitely do not go Ga-Ga over the holidays, but come on people, give me a fucking BREAK!!

You're going out for Thanksgiving Dinner. You're not cooking it. You're not cleaning up after your done eating it. Chances are, you're not even PAYING for it. You've got someone else schlepping your drinks, butter patties and filthy plates. Someone who is WORKING while you stuff your fat pig face, when they'd rather be home with THEIR family stuffing their fat pig face, or down at the tavern drinking cheap beer and Yukon Jack with the other familial nomads. Whatever, all you have to do is sit, perhaps verbalize a few times and eat what they put in front of you.

What's more, this isn't Denny's!! If you're the one footing the bill, you're paying a nice chunk of change for the four courses with the 2oz wine parings. So would it really fucking kill you to take a shower, clean you ass crack, and put some decent clothes on before heading out to dinner?

And by the way, when you sit your ass down to the feeding trough, take a minute to greet the person who's waiting on you with a kind word or two. Or, heaven forbid, wish them a happy holiday. You know, the whole reason you're out having dinner in the first place?

Grow up, take some responsibility.


Prego said...

Jesus H(arrison) Christ. You are so dead on. I remember a few years ago, when a casino opened up in Niagara Falls, ON, my friend Marcel suggested we get decked out, Sinatra Style (he was going through his Rat Pack phase). When we got there, it was all sweats, polyester and souvenir T's. When we were going down the escalator in our suits, I turned to him and said, "I feel like %@*&ing Rain Man."

As for the complete disregard for wait-staff, that doesn't surprise me at all. Culturally, we are eschewing common courtesy for an overwrought sense of entitlement and self-importance. What a bunch of complete and utter a**holes. I'm sure they had coupons, too.

Missuz J said...

Umm--I want to hear about the stuff that is none of my business!

Sadly, common courtesy isn't so common anymore.