Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fuck 'em all.

That's right, bitches. FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!

After over two years, the wait is over. I will not be allowed to participate in the great fuck fest that is Seminary. Not at my fifth place choice. Not at my fourth place choice, or my third place, or even second place choices. And CERTAINLY not my first place choice.

I know this for a fact because I just got done meeting with the Bishop in charge of reviewing applications at said 1st choice institution, and was told, albeit through a contrived dance of semantics and legerdemain, that there was NO WAY IN HELL I would be allowed to join their fancy club. Not without first elevating my particular application to a "whole new realm." And while the Bishop was certainly courteous and respectful, there was a point in the interview where said Bishop's body language clearly conveyed the prevarication being foisted on me in the name of good manners and decorum. May as well have worn a sandwhich board which proclaimed exactly how fucking unworthy I had been deemed.

Bad form, Bishop.

Soooooooooo.... now I get to figure out some other pursuit and life/career goal to throw myself in to. Let's hope the next one proves less frustrating and more fruitfull than this one did.

How about the cocaine trade. I did pretty good at that oh so many moons ago. And now that I don't even use, I won't 'blow' all my profit margin. I could make a killing at it!




rob said...

Directly in the anus.

Square in the anus, even.

THAT'S where they need to be fucked.

Sorry, brother. Sorry in spades.

Looks like I'm going to have to take you out and get you shit faced, huh?

Fucking assholes.

~A~ said...

Yeah, they don't deserve you anyway.

Too bad all the kids are potty trained, I could send them a box of used nappers.

Drunken Chud said...

just go on the internet, become ordained and start your cult... err church. move to guyanna and... live happily ever after. it's not so hard... i'm working on the guyanna part right now. heh.

Anonymous said...

Part of me (and I don't think it's the sick part) is happy for you. Go back into the cocaine trade.

Prego said...


Cocaine trade? Aren't you near the heart of Meth country? That shit is spreading like viruses on a hookers cooch. You might want to get yourself a slice of the pie, though you'd have to knock out a couple of your teeth and get yourself inked first.

Missuz J said...

Ever thought of being a nanny?

Missuz J said...

Oh, and those guys are dicks. Dicks with boils. Dicks with puss incrusted boils. Dicks with fleas and scabs and puss incrusted boils.

Anonymous said...

Man, they just don't understand you...if they did they would be falling all over themselves to lick you boots.

Just stopped by to see what you were up to and read your latest blog...bummer man, you are worth so much more than this shit. Guess we're not the only ones in a tough business.

I'm sorta of the mind that these guys are running a scam job anyway...example, in our industry, we went to a grad student "showcase" and it sucked! These guys paid thousands of dollars to put this together, the culmination of their last two years of experience, and they'll wonder why they'll leave without any interest in their work. No blood, no guts, no nada, just sit-com schlock with a emphasis on speed.

So fuck 'um, your better off without 'em...I know you and you will land on your feet and show them a thing or two in a couple of years or so.
Steve says get your ass down here and get into the porn industry where you belong...