Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Aye's have it.

Freudian Inventory Results
Oral (36%) you appear to be stubbornly and irrationally against receiving help even when it might be the more intelligent option.
Anal (36%) you appear to be overly lacking in self control and organization, and possibly have a compulsive need to defy authority. If you are too scatterbrained, you will not develop much as a person as you will habitually switch paths before you ever learn anything.
Phallic (10%) you appear to have negative issues regarding sexuality and/or have an uncertain sexual identity.
Latency (16%) you appear to be overly practical; don't undervalue abstract learning, abstract learning increases your ability to make good decisions (and predictions) in the real world so it would be 'impractical' to shun it.
Genital (53%) you appear to be somewhere between a progressive/openminded and regressive/closeminded outlook on life.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
personality tests by

You see what a little mouldy bread and a violent revolution will do to you?


~A~ said...

Oral (dependence) 56%
Anal (self control) 43%
Phallic (sexuality) 53%
Latency (learning) 43%
Genital (productivity) 60%

Oral: you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.

Anal: you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.

Phallic: you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure.

Latency: you appear to have a good balance of abstract knowledge seeking and practicality, dealing with real world responsibilities while still cultivating your abstract and creative faculties and interests.

Genital: you appear to be somewhere between a progressive/openminded and regressive/closeminded outlook on life.

Drunken Chud said...

Oral (53%)
Anal (26%)
Phallic (83%)
Latency (43%)
Genital (63%)

Oral: you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.

Anal: you appear to be overly lacking in self control and organization, and possibly have a compulsive need to defy authority. If you are too scatterbrained, you will not develop much as a person as you will habitually switch paths before you ever learn anything.

Phallic: you appear to have issues with controlling your sexual desires and possibly fidelity.

Latency: you appear to have a good balance of abstract knowledge seeking and practicality, dealing with real world responsibilities while still cultivating your abstract and creative faculties and interests.

Genital: you appear to have a progressive and openminded outlook on life unbeholden to regressive forces like traditional authority and convention

Missuz J said...

Just read your karate post/hubris post. Sorry I missed it. If you'd POST more often than once every 5 years, I might be able to stay current.

Oral (dependence) 46%
Anal (self control) 53%
Phallic (sexuality) 53%
Latency (learning) 40%
Genital (productivity) 56%

Oral: you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.

Anal: you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.

Phallic: you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure.

Latency: you appear to have a good balance of abstract knowledge seeking and practicality, dealing with real world responsibilities while still cultivating your abstract and creative faculties and interests.

Genital: you appear to be somewhere between a progressive/openminded and regressive/closeminded outlook on life.

Looks like I'm pretty fucking boring.