Tuesday, January 10, 2006

OK, I'll play along.

A blog game from Birdie:

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Passive-aggressive personality with a predilection for addiction (specifically alcohol and, well let's just say I've conquered a few demons. Thanks, Mom.
2. A penchant for scathing sarcasm and condescension. I'd like to give a big shout-out to Dad!

Two Things That Scare You
1. Being wrong/incorrect, ever.
2. Being embarrassed.

Two fears you overcame
1. Being wrong/incorrect. I've come to accept the fact that I am, more often than not. And learning from your mistakes is so much more rewarding once you get over it.
2. Being embarrassed. Pride is such a dangerous, cumbersome thing... alright, let's be honest. I still haven't gotten over this one.

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Integrity
2. A bong hit or two at the end of the day, it's my Prozac.

Two things you are Wearing Right Now
1. sweats (it's laundry night)
2. leather teddy (because I look so damn SEXY in it)

Two things you wore too much this year
1. Underwear, which gets in the way of sex
2. My ego on my sleeve

This year's Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Beastie Boys (I actually tried to sing a B-Boys rap at karaoke with my boy Rob, what a friggin' abortion that was.
2. Rolling Stones- last year, this year, every freakin' year!!

Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Another person...
2. who's female

Two of your favorite Movies of the Year
1. Crash
2. Sideways

Best movies of all time
1. Apocalypse Now (Saigon. Shit...)
2. Caddyshack (How 'bout a Fresca!?!)

Two things You hate
1. Stupidity
2. Apathy

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Talking, or in this case, writing about my self. Hell, you're reading it
2. Cunnilingus

Two things you learned this year
1. I CAN quit smoking cigarettes. Even after 20 freakin' years.
2. ... how much more I don't know.

Two Accomplishments You are Proud of
1. Settlements in the 'K v State' and "M v City' matters. I really sharpened some skills on those two.
2. The Hamm Project

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Acceptance to and entry in 'seminary'.
2. That is two things.

Two places you went this year.
1. Mexico, to clear my head and gain some focus. An interesting experience.
2. Canada, to meet FC's parents at Christmas. An interesting experience.

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Italy
2. Belize

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Live long,
2. and prosper.

Two Ways that you are a Stereotypical Example of your Gender
1. Sex and food make me happy, don't they you?
2. I really do not need to be engaged in conversation, every minute of the day. So if I'm not talking, it may be because I have nothing to say. But believe me, when I do, I will be sure to let you know.

Two things that make you stand out.
1. My laugh.
2. My... what, "presence"? Nah, my ego. For some reason, I can piss someone off just by sitting next to them at a bar.

Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I miss one night-stands.
2. Sometimes I do miss Illinois.

Two Goals for the New Year
1. Onward,
2. and upward.



birdie said...

i quit smoking after ten years so,um, you've only got ten more years on me and so,um, i'm sure it will be a breeze.

i have bumped myself up to .257 of your readership, by the way.

Missuz J said...

Enjoyed reading this very much.

Your comments about being right reminded me of my dad's favorite saying which is/was

"I've only been wrong once--and that's when I thought I was wrong, but I was really right."

Oh, and on behalf of all women (at least all the ones I know) we applaud and commend you for your choice of hobbies. Well done.

Jacques Roux said...
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Jacques Roux said...

I always knew chicks liked listening to me talk about myself...

Foilwoman said...

"Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Another person...
2. who's female"

So selective! Come on. Be open-minded. Maybe there's a tranny out there, just for you. With the leather teddy and all (joking -- but you set yourself up for that one, and I couldn't resist).

Prego said...

I can only perform one of your hobbies after I'm sure the recipient has had a bath within the past hour or two. I'm getting less adventurous in my old age. I used to be able to discern between the gin drinkers and vodka... though most Buffalo girls taste like Crown Royal and mayonnaise.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I know you a lot better than I thought I did!